
How to translate Macunaíma, written by Mário de Andrade (1893-1945), for the visual arts? Some visual artists were invited to answer this question with their own creations and the result could be seen in this exhibition at the Guita and José Mindlin Brazilian Library, at the University of São Paulo (USP).

The exhibition brought together drawings, watercolors, paintings, photographs, engravings, installations and a small sculpture. Scenes from the "hero without any character" inspired the works of the 39 artists who participated in the exhibition.

Presented works by Vicencia Gonsales:
7 monotypes (several sizes) that dialogue with the book "Macunaíma", written by Mário de Andrade:

"My art talks about the feminine universe, about my dreams as a child, about the curious look kept in my memory, about the life in the countryside and the smell of wet soil, about the joy of living. I talk about the moments of loneliness, about looking at the immensity of the universe and beyond. I talk about the lived moments, about the non-lived ones, about the plots of the world, about the human being. Creating, for me, it's a necessity."